The interface itself only exposes some generic log methods which are then used by “external” extension methods like LogInformation or LogError.Ī logger provider is an actual logging sink implementation, e.g. The responsibility of the ILogger interface is to write a log message of a given log level and create logging scopes. ILogger vs ILoggerProvider vs ILoggerFactory In the Serilog logging library they are called sinks.
files, Application Insights (AI), Seq, Kibana, etc. The logging interfaces provided by the NuGet package provide common logging abstractions with implementations for various logging backends and sinks.Ī Logging backend is the place where logs are written to, e.g.
Pipe your data directly to Out-VSCodeGridView and view it in the VS Code web view.īookmark scripts found anywhere on your system and access them in any workspace.ĭesign Windows Forms using PSScriptPad integration in VS Code.ĭesign WPF Windows using PSScriptPad integration in VS Code.This article describes recommendations and best practices for using the ILogger based logging system which has been introduced with. Quickly adjust scripts with refactoring commands. Sign scripts when they are saved with a configurable code-signing certificate.Įnable high performance, configurable IntelliSense for PowerShell in VS Code. Profile the performance of scripts and view the timing within VS Code. The PowerShell Explorer displays an tree view with numerous sections developed for different aspects of your PowerShell environment. Pin a session to a document to quickly switch between PowerShell instances. Customize packaging with a package.psd1 file to create PowerShell 7 executables, services, hide the console window and more. You can compile PowerShell scripts into executables using the Package Script as Exe function. The PowerShell Pro Tools: Generate Tool command will generate a form and compile it to an executable based on the function defined within a PS1 file. The PowerShell: Generate Windows Form command will generate a Windows form based on the function defined within a PS1 file. NET types that are loaded into your PowerShell session.Įnhanced hover support provides additional information about symbols within PowerShell scripts. Setting the Status Bar Message Set-VSCodeStatusBarMessage -Message 'Hellllloooo'Įxecute a PowerShell script in a new terminal instead of the integrated terminal.Īttached to external PowerShell hosts for debugging.ĭecompile. Showing an Input Box Show-VSCodeInputBox -PlaceHolder 'Enter some text' Showing a Quick Pick List Show-VSCodeQuickPick -PlaceHolder 'What should we do?' -Items 'Sleep') Showing Messages with a Response Show-VSCodeMessage -Message 'What should we do?' -Items 'Sleep')
Showing Messages Show-VSCodeMessage -Message 'Error!!!' -Type Error Send Text to a Terminal Get-VSCodeTerminal | Where-Object Name -eq 'PowerShell Integrated Console' | Send-VSCodeTerminalText -Text 'Write-Host "Hello World!"' Get-VSCodeTextEditor | Set-VSCodeTextEditorDecoration -BackgroundColor 'descriptionForeground' -Range $Range -Key 12321 -FontWeight bold Setting Text Decorations $Range = New-VSCodeRange -StartLine 0 -EndLine 0 -StartCharacter 0 -EndCharacter 55 Get-VSCodeTextDocument | Remove-VSCodeTextDocumentText -Range $Range Remove Document Text $Range = New-VSCodeRange -StartLine 0 -EndLine 0 -StartCharacter 0 -EndCharacter 10 Get-VSCodeTextDocument | Add-VSCodeTextDocumentText -Position $position -Text NewText Insert Document Text $position = New-VSCodePosition -Line 0 -Character 2 Get Document Text Get-VSCodeTextDocument | Get-VSCodeTextDocumentText \1Ĭlose Text Editors Get-VSCodeTextEditor | Remove-VSCodeTextEditor Script repetitive actions and make your own tools without having to build extensions.Īvailable Commands Open Documents Open-VSCodeTextDocument -FileName. You can automate Visual Studio Code with PowerShell scripts.
When using the PowerShell Pro Tools extension for the first time, you will be prompted to enter a license if you do not have one already.
Note: This extension is not free and requires a license to operate. PowerShell Pro Tools adds script packaging, a Windows Form Designer, variable explorer, VS Code automation and more!